Hyperhidrosis: 10 Questions to Ask Your Doctor

Excessive sweating, orhyperhidrosis, is an embarrassing condition that affects millions of Americans. Although it's not medically dangerous,hyperhidrosiscan seriously interfere with work, love, and play.

Most people withhyperhidrosishave never seen a doctor about their condition. That's unfortunate, because effective treatments are available.

If excessive sweating is putting a damper on important areas of your life, make an appointment with a dermatologist. Bring this list of 10 questions to get the conversation started.

1. What causes hyperhidrosis?

2. How severe is my hyperhidrosis?

3. Could my excessive sweating be a sign of something serious?

4. Is hyperhidrosis the sign of an emotional problem or character flaw?

5. What treatments are available for my hyperhidrosis? What are the benefits and risks of each treatment option?

6. Should I see a dermatologist?

7. Can I expect my hyperhidrosis to get better over time? Will it get worse?

8. Is there any cure for excessive sweating?

9. Can any self-treatments help? Are there lifestyle changes, foods, or activities that make sweating better, or worse?

10. Are you aware of any hyperhidrosis support groups?


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