One treatment that is being hyped as a permanent cure for excess underarm sweating is laser. Lasers have been in vogue for several decades and are presently being used to treat many other disorders. They are also widely used in cosmetic surgery to resurface the skin, treat wrinkles, and remove skin lesions and so on. Now there are reports that laser therapy can permanently cure excess sweating. But one has to be careful as there are no randomized studies on this therapy. And judging from patient reviews on the Web, laser may not be a worthwhile treatment for excess sweating.
How is the laser treatment done?
laser treatment for excess sweating is an outpatient procedure. It is used primarily for treatment of excess armpit sweating. Once the individual arrives at the clinic, the hair is shaved and the armpit is washed and dried. Then the therapist applies a numbing medication to the armpit for about 45 minutes. The laser is then aimed at the underarm and the entire skin area is treated.
Is laser therapy painful?
Yes, the armpit is one of the most sensitive areas of the body. The sweat glands are located below the skin and thus a powerful laser is used. This also causes intense pain. Some doctors numb the area with a local anesthetic first to numb the pain. Sometimes doctors need to sedate the patients because of the excruciating pain. Try sticking a hot needle in your armpit and you will know exactly what the laser feels like.
Are there are any side effects?
After the procedure, there is residual pain for a few days but it is responsive to the pain medications.
There can also be swelling under the armpit and extreme redness. This can take a few weeks to resolved. Some people may also develop fluid collection in the underarm which may need to be drained. In others, the arm on the treated site may also swell up.
Are there any complications of the laser?
Yes, asides from pain, one can develop keloids. If the treatment is done by someone with no laser experience, the nerves and blood vessels under the armpit can be damaged.
What is cost of laser for excess sweating?
The cost depends on whom you go to and where you go. Going West is always more expensive for everything. In general expect to pay anywhere from $3,500 to $7,000 for one laser treatment. There is also no guarantee that it will work.
Is the laser treatment a permanent cure for excess sweating?
Well, all the doctors are claiming that they have a permanent cure for excess sweating but in reality-there is no permanent cure for excess sweating- except death. The laser does stop sweating in some people but it does no cure it. Most of the studies have been short term. In the long run, sweating does recur.
How many laser sessions are required?
In general one laser session is adequate. However, some people may need a touch up if there is no response.
Does laser treatment work?
Well it depends on whom you speak to. The providers always say yes, but there are plenty of reviews on cyberspace which suggest that laser does not always work. In fact most people who have paid for the treatment found no difference in sweating.
Who should I seek for my therapy?
If you do decide to seek laser therapy, the selection of your provider is vital. Far too many people today are offering laser for excess sweating and most have no training in laser nor do they have any concept of anatomy. Complications tend to be more common when the laser is used by non-healthcare professionals.
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