How to Stop Back Sweat

Excessive back sweat could be a sign of hyperhidrosis, a condition marked by overactive sweat glands. A sweaty back is usually a sign of generalized hyperhidrosis, notes, which affects large areas of the body and is usually the symptom of another problem, like thyroid issues, low blood sugar or heart disease. You should talk to your doctor about your concerns as you find ways to stop your back sweat and your body's high temperature.

Step 1

Apply antiperspirant to your back. Antiperspirant works by using a concentration of 10 to 15 percent aluminum chloride hexahydrate to effectively plug the pores on your skin surface to reduce sweating. While you may only think to use antiperspirant under your arms, a thin layer on your back can help stop sweating. The International Hyperhidrosis Society suggests applying antiperspirant at night for better effectiveness the next day.

Step 2

Wear clothes made of natural fibers whenever possible. Synthetic fibers like polyester trap sweat, allowing it to stay wet and even soak through your clothes. Shirts made of natural fibers like cotton and wool actually wick sweat away from your body, so you can stay cool and keep your clothes dry throughout the day.

Step 3

Stay cool when it's warm outside, suggests Anita Highton, M.D., medical director of clinical research at Westwood-Squibb Pharmaceuticals to Raising your body temperature can exacerbate your sweating problems. Your body, which already creates too much sweat, will go into overdrive to try and cool your body off, resulting in even more embarrassing back sweat. When it's warm out, seek air conditioned buildings, or crank the air up while driving in your car. Drink plenty of cold water to lower your body temperature and replenish some of the water you're losing through excessive sweating.

Step 4

Speak with your doctor about your excessive back sweating. If it's a problem so bad that it disrupts or diminishes your quality of life, she may prescribe oral medications like glycopyrrolate that help to stop the production of sweat in your body, notes Medline Plus. Prescription antiperspirants for your back may also be a solution reached between you and your doctor.

Step 5

Visit your dermatologist to talk about Botox injections. Botox is FDA-approved to stop sweating in the underarm region, but it can also be used on larger areas like the back. Unfortunately, Buffalo general surgeon Hratch Karamanoukian notes that it can be very expensive to cover such a large area, and it can be a painful and lengthy process. Only your dermatologist can tell you if Botox is right for your type of sweating.


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