Stop Excessive Facial Sweating

Causes of Excessive Facial Sweating

Contrary to popular belief, excessive face sweating is not related to being overweight. Instead, according tovarious medical case studies, facial hyperhidrosis is believed to be likely a genetic condition and can oftenoccur, with no obvious triggers. Usually, excessive facial sweating begins early in the adolescence years and getsmore severe as one gets older.

Though this condition is thought to be genetic, however excessive face sweating can also be aggravated by otherstimuli such as foods, anxiety, medical and emotional issues like stress, depression, fear or anger.

Treatment Options


Topical lotions and creams containing aluminum chloride are somewhat effective in controlling mild facialhyperhidrosis.

Applying antiperspirant onto the face effectively blocked the opening of sweat glands in the affected area,thereby stopping the production of sweat.

For best results, apply antiperspirant onto the face, neck and scalp in the evening, before going to bed. Makesure skin is dry before application. After six or eight hours, wash it off. Use daily until favorable results arenoticed.

Oral Medication

Prescriptive oral medications such as beta-blockers and anticholinergics are another viable treatment forexcessive facial sweating. Typically, doctors would only recommend medication if facial sweating cannot becontrolled by antiperspirant since such medications carry many side effects such as blurred vision, drowsiness andnausea.


For those who want to stop excessive face sweating, Botox ? (Botulinum Toxin Type A) is another choice oftreatment against facial hyperhidrosis. In this procedure, the specialist or dermatologist will administer a seriesof small injections across the facial area to block the neurotransmitter that causes sweat production.

While Botox  may effectively treat facial hyperhidrosis, however it is important to understand that Botox ?does not completely cure the condition. Repeated treatments is required to control the sweating every six to eightmonths.

Surgerical Treatment

When traditional non-invasive treatment fails, a surgical procedure known as Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy(ETS) can be effective at treating facial hyperhidrosis. Performed with local anaesthesia, a part of the nervesystem called the sympathetic nerve is either removed or cramped (in case future reversal of procedure is required)to disrupts the neural signals that transmit signals to the sweat glands, thus effectively preventing excessivesweating.

With a 95% success rate, this surgery is popular among most hyperhidrosis sufferers. However common side effectsof ETS can include compensatory hyperhidrosis (where the patient sweat heavily in other areas of the body, mainlythe back, lower legs and thighs), lack of arousal or a reduction in alertness.


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